Basic steps to try this demo:
Simply click on the "Click2EditPageAreas" link in the footer at the bottom of the page.
Enter "demo" in both the user and password form fields.
a. A login pop-up will appear. Enter the word "demo" for both the username and password fields.
NOTE that for this demo you will only be allowed to edit this one page.
b. The CMS system for this site has excluded the user "demo" (you) from editing any other page(s) for editing. If you try to edit a different page, the system will tell you that you've been denied access for editing that page.
c. So, behave, and only open the demo page to play with this CMS program.
Hovering the mouse over a toolbar button will display a title showing what the button is for.
You will also find that many of the functions have step-by-step wizards to guide you through that process.
We encourage you to click the edit toolbar help icon () and review the descriptions for all the buttons.
Normally, clicking the Save icon (
) or clicking the Save Changes button would make your changes permanent and the page would then be 'live' on the internet. ***
Important Notes:
In order to keep this template from 'breaking' (edit areas losing alignment making the page look goofy or screwed up) the width of inserted images must not be larger than 160 pixels for the left column nor larger than 450 pixels for this column.
Even though you can't upload your own pics for this demo, some images are provided for you to insert into this demo page. Click the image icon ( ) and an image selection widget will allow you to pick a pic from the site's image storage directory and you can insert images to be displayed for this editing session so that you will be able to see your work. Linking to a larger image in a separate pop-up window or another web site location will work fine, as well.
This same operating restriction applies to any links you entered, i.e. they will work for this session in your browser only to be reset back to the original content later.
The above image width limits apply to inserted tables' widths, as well. And, again, the changes you make in this demo only work in this session for a limited time.
You can use the empty blocks below or even make changes to this one that will work for this visit.
So, let us host and enable your web pages. Be sure to contact us if you would like to have us set your site up.
Enjoy and have fun. ...........Ron
*** For this demo, the changes are not permanently saved. And the ability to upload your own images has been disabled. Our clients' setups allow these features as well as managing who can change edit which site page(s).
Now, this is a hum-finger!
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